Social media influencers have mastered the art of curating a conservative brand that appeals to a specific audience. But beneath the surface, many of these influencers don’t genuinely share the values they promote. They present a persona that aligns with their followers’ conservative views, but their actions reveal a different story.
These influencers enjoy the benefits of liberal policies—policies they publicly denounce while secretly relying on them for their own well-being.
This isn’t just about maintaining a brand—it’s about living a double life. These influencers champion conservative ideals like limited government, traditional values, and anti-liberal rhetoric, yet when it comes to their personal lives, they reap the rewards of the very policies they claim to oppose. They live in states where restrictive laws on immigration and women’s reproductive health are the norm, but when they need access to the freedoms and protections offered by more progressive states, they don’t hesitate to cross state lines.
Let’s call it what it is: hypocrisy.
Take women’s reproductive health, for example. These influencers will post about the sanctity of life and the evils of abortion, yet when faced with their own reproductive choices, they quietly travel to states where abortion rights are protected and accessible. They advocate for policies that limit women’s access to healthcare, yet they rely on the very services they seek to restrict for others. It’s a staggering level of hypocrisy that’s as dangerous as it is disingenuous.
The same goes for immigration. They’ll rally against immigrants, parroting talking points about border security and the supposed threat to American jobs, all while benefiting from the economic diversity and innovation that immigrants bring to this country. They build a brand on fearmongering, yet they enjoy the fruits of a multicultural society, often turning a blind eye to the struggles of those who face the harsh realities of anti-immigrant policies.
These influencers present a curated persona that aligns with their audience’s expectations, but behind the scenes, they’re benefitting from liberal policies that promote equality, social welfare, and economic opportunities—the very things they claim to oppose. Whether it’s utilizing government programs, benefiting from progressive tax credits, or enjoying the freedoms of a society that allows for diverse viewpoints, they live in the comfort of the same policies they never acknowledge.

The silence of these influencers on these critical issues is not just a matter of maintaining their conservative audience—it’s a betrayal of their followers, who believe they’re supporting someone who truly shares their values. But more than that, it’s a betrayal of the people whose lives are directly affected by the policies these influencers refuse to speak out against. By staying silent, these influencers are complicit in the harm caused by these policies.
The reality is that these influencers are living in a bubble, shielded from the consequences of the conservative policies they promote. They enjoy the safety net provided by liberal states while continuing to profit off the fears and prejudices of their conservative followers. It’s a dangerous game, one that not only undermines their credibility but also contributes to the division and polarization that’s tearing this country apart.
It’s time for these influencers to make a choice. If they truly believe in the conservative values they espouse, then they should be willing to live by them, even when it’s inconvenient. But if they’re quietly benefiting from the very policies they claim to oppose, then it’s time to come clean. True influence isn’t about telling people what they want to hear—it’s about standing for something real, even when it’s not popular.
So, here’s a challenge to all those influencers hiding behind a facade: Stop selling out. Start speaking up.
Because authenticity will always be more valuable than pandering to the lowest common denominator. And in a world that’s increasingly divided, we need voices that are honest, not just popular. We need voices that are honest, not just popular. We need influencers who are willing to speak out on the issues that matter, even if it means losing followers or facing backlash. Because in the end, integrity will always be more valuable than pandering to the lowest common denominator. We need voices that are authentic, courageous, and unafraid to speak the truth.
You can listen to the podcast episode: HYPE TIP: DON"T BE A SHIT-FLUENCER